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Throwing Love #3 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #3) Read online

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  “Who cares when you guys slept together? It obviously felt right to you. Bennett isn't the kind of guy that sleeps with a girl and then doesn't call her the next day, so that sort of thing doesn't matter here. You guys are obviously crazy about each other, so stop worrying.”

  “Do you think we moved too fast or are currently moving too fast?”

  Connie sighed as I took a sip of my wine.

  “Are you happy, Emmi?”

  “Yes, I am. The one thing I can say with absolute certainty is that I'm very happy with Bennett.”

  “Well, if you are happy, then I say continue going at the pace you're going at because it's clearly working for you guys. Worry about today and how you guys feel about each other today. Don't worry about what will happen tomorrow or the future because that is just pointless. No one knows what is going to happen, so focus on the happiness you guys have today.”

  “You know, you are very wise,” I said with a smile.

  Connie laughed. “Oh, I know.”

  I decided I was going to order dessert. I motioned for the waiter to come over to our table.

  “Can I order the chocolate soufflé?”

  “Absolutes.” He left our table to go and put in the order.

  “I can't believe you ordered that thing.”

  “Why not?” I said. “I rarely order that stuff, you know, and I want something sweet.”

  “Well, I hope you plan on sharing.”

  I smiled. “Of course.”

  I sipped at my wine.

  “I'm glad to see you happy, Emmi. You deserve it.”

  “Thank you, girl.”

  Connie was right; I was probably worrying for nothing – as I often did. There was no point in worrying about how fast we were moving, what was done was done and the truth was we were very happy. So it was time to just enjoy the moment for once and let the rest take its natural course.

  My grin grew wider as I saw my chocolate soufflé coming towards the table.

  Chapter Seven

  I had drunk almost a pot of coffee that morning during my studies and I still was nowhere near done. I would have a few more hours ahead of me of hitting the books for the test I had that week. I sipped at my coffee, feeling guilty at the thought of making another pot. I would be wired for sound at that point, but a girl had to do what a girl had to do to keep focused on studying.

  The homework in the classes was overwhelming at times and the tests were even worse. It was a struggle to get through it at times, but that was what coffee was for – sweet, precious coffee. It was how I got through the days. I was sifting through some review notes for the test when I heard a knock at my front door. I stared confused at my bedroom door, wondering who on earth it could be. Yes, it was late morning, but that didn't mean that it was normal for people to just stop by. Connie was at school, Bennett had baseball practice, and my father was out of town. Those would be the only people that would be visiting me at my apartment unannounced. So who could it be? I was considering ignoring it, when a second knock sounded. I closed my textbook and crawled out of bed. Heading out of my bedroom, I made my way to the front door. I opened it and my mouth fell open, as well. There was Bennett standing there with a smile on his face.

  “Bennett, what are you doing here?”

  I couldn't have been more confused.

  “I came here to see you, silly. I missed you – I was missing you like crazy actually, so I figured I would stop in and see what you were up to.”

  I knew that Bennett had baseball practice that morning, so I was thoroughly perplexed as to why he was at my apartment. There had been no cancellations. I would have seen him that night anyways, so I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

  “Well are you going to let me in?” he asked as he kissed me on the cheek. I moved aside to let him in.

  “Bennett, don't you have baseball practice? What are you doing here? I'm pretty sure it's going on right now.”

  “Ahh, I didn't feel like going today. They can handle things without me for the day.”

  “What are you talking about? That's your practice for the games. You're in training.”

  “I know, baby. But it's just one practice; really it's not a big deal. I would rather spend the time with you, instead.”

  I smiled, feeling flattered that he would blow off practice for me. I didn't think it was a good idea, but I didn't know how to tell him that without sounding like his mother. He shouldn't be blowing off practices because they were important components to his training for the league. Plus, it didn't look well to the coach or scouts that you weren't there on your practice dates.

  He looked so happy there in my apartment, though, that I didn't want to ruin his mood, nor did I want us to get into a fight. He was a big boy, surely he could determine if it was okay to miss a practice or not. Plus, Connie was just telling me not to worry about stuff like that, to go with the flow and enjoy today.

  “Are you sure you shouldn't go?” I tried again.

  “It's all good, Emmi. How about we go grab some lunch?”

  Maybe it was just a whimsical break in the routine we had been going off of lately. It didn't hurt to go have lunch with him, it was only one practice and he had natural talent, so what did it matter?

  “Sure, where would you like to go?”

  Going out for a drink with Bennett turned out to be a great idea. We had a delicious steak at a local steakhouse. It had been his choice, of course. Lunch was fabulous, though; the salad tasted fresh and I treated myself to the most delicious chocolate espresso cake. Two desserts in one week? I would need to consider going for a run that night, just to be safe. I even shared some of it with Bennett, however begrudgingly. We talked the whole time about music and movies and books that we loved. He listened attentively to everything I said and while talking to him, it often surprised how we could just start feeling like we were just getting to know each other all over again. I loved these long talks with Bennett. It made me think that I could have a real future with someone I wouldn't grow bored of. I couldn't have been happier that I met him. I had also completely forgotten about the fact that he skipped practice and I was supposed to be studying, I was having such a great time.

  After lunch, we just toured the city on foot, not knowing where we were going or where we would end up. We visited bookstores and cafés and went shopping at the sports store where Bennett purchased a few items for his next practice.

  The night was fabulous, as well. We stayed together the entire time. My favorite part was just sitting on the bench outside of a store and talking. When we finally ended up at my apartment, I was exhausted. I had planned on sleeping in the next morning, and then heading into school for another day of hitting the books.

  We went straight for the bedroom, though, pulling off clothes as we walked down the hallway. By the time I was at my bedroom, I was stripped of all my clothing. I turned around and he stood behind me naked in all his glory. His body was that of a girl’s daydreams. Chiselled from top to bottom, his body was streamlined, his six pack his best feature, though I had an affinity for a man’s arms. They just looked strong, like he could take on the world. And he did every time he got on that pitcher's mound. I liked the idea that he could take on anything; protect me if I needed him. He was hard and ready for me – the most powerful part of his body.

  He came to me and reached his hand around my neck to pull my face towards him. A current ran through my body when my lips met his, and I shivered deliciously despite myself. I was no longer tired; in fact I didn’t care if I ever slept again.

  “I want you, Bennett, right now. I want you inside of me.”

  His mouth possessed mine once again and his tongue found mine with urgency, claiming it for himself. I backed away from him and laid down on the bed, spreading my legs open for him. He was beside himself with passion and he began kissing my lips, face, and neck.

  “I’m ready, baby. Don’t worry.”

  He slid his hand between my legs to check a
nd smiled when he realized it was true. He pushed inside of me roughly, eliciting a cry from me. My head went back, and he pushed into me rhythmically over and over again.

  “Emmi, you feel good, sweetie, real good.”

  I moaned with pleasure, I couldn’t get enough of his cock. This man possessed my body with very little effort. I was a slave to the pleasure he was giving my body. My mind swam in and out, and I thought I would lose control when I came onto his cock.

  “Yes, sweetie. Oh, Emmi, I can feel you.”

  He bent forward, kissing my mouth and lingering for a few more kisses, pushing inside me slowly. He began to pick up the pace, hearing me cry out for him.

  The pleasure he was giving me was immense. I had never been touched like this before and I felt naughty around him, but it felt perfectly right. He was my perfect match.

  He rocked inside me, causing a tension to build up inside. I knew I was about to orgasm again, and I cried out for him to join me. He continued to pump himself inside me harder and harder as I swam in the most amazing orgasm. It lingered longer than normal and I felt dizzy because of it. He cried out above me as he joined in my orgasm, making the moment that much more perfect for me.

  “Wasn't today so much better than me going to practice?”

  I laughed. “It sure was.”

  He pulled out of me, and we lay side by side in bed. I nuzzled tight into him enjoying the afterglow of my orgasm.

  We fell asleep that night in each other’s arms, and I couldn’t remember a time I felt happier.

  Chapter Eight

  Although my Saturday had been amazing, spending all day and all night with Bennett, it slowly became a habit. What was supposed to be a onetime occurrence not only happened once again, but twice. He had missed three practices in a row, and I was starting to get worried. He just kept showing up at my place looking for things to do, and I literally had the same deer caught in the headlights look every time. I didn't know what to do or why he was behaving that way.

  He continued to insist on spending all this time with me. Although I was deeply flattered that our relationship was progressing so well and that I clearly had a guy that adored me, I knew it was bad news for him to be at my place instead of going to practice. It was actually pretty insane that he wasn't seeing it himself.

  We had argued the second time he missed over the situation and I was loathed to have to do it again. I wasn't his mother, but I was starting to feel like it. He was acting foolish, and it wasn't like we couldn't spend time together after his practices.

  He seemed so happy to be with me, though, that I didn't know what to say to him when he showed up there the third time. I couldn't bring myself to say anything again. He knew how I felt about it from our last conversation and I wasn't sure why he didn't see how important practice was. Yes, Bennett had a natural talent that allowed him to get away with more than others, but three practices? It was just unheard of for a player to miss so much time on field when he had the hopes of going pro.

  I didn't want him to think I was pushing him away or didn't want to spend time with him because that wasn't the case at all. I loved every moment I had with him and that was why it was so hard to have those talks with him. But I was starting to feel helpless because I didn't want him to mess up his career because of me.

  Normally I would have asked Connie for some advice, but I couldn't do it this time. I knew exactly what she would say to me. That he was doing something wrong and I needed to say something to him. She would tell me he was being ridiculous and needed to get back on the field to practice. And I knew all these things were true, I just didn't know how to tell Bennett. I felt like I had already spoke my mind and he knew how I felt about it, so why keep bringing it up? I didn't want those talks to push him away from me and never come back.

  I didn't know what to do, I just felt so helpless.

  Chapter Nine

  I looked at Bennett in dismay the fourth time he showed up at my door on a Saturday morning. I knew damn well he was supposed to be at practice, and I was beginning to think that he must be on some kind of self-destructive path, though I couldn't imagine why he would be. This was his dream, the one that he had been fighting for all this time. Through all those allegations, he had been fighting for that very career and now he was risking it just for some pillow talk with me – it just didn't make any sense.

  “Bennett, what on earth are you doing here? This has gone on long enough. You have to be at practice, this is your career. Why are you missing the practices?”

  He frowned. “Come on, babe. Don't be like that. I missed you so much. As soon as I got up this morning, I was dying to see you. Why are you making me feel bad?”

  My heart melted a little. “Bennett, that is sweet as hell. But seriously, what are you doing here? You can miss me during practice and then come over.”

  I was trying to stay as calm as possible, but I was totally and completely freaking out on the inside.

  “Please, Bennett.”

  “Look, sweetheart, we don't have time for this right now. I have set up a wonderful lunch for us and the reservation won't wait forever. I'm not in the big times yet.”

  “Reservation? What are you talking about?”

  “Come on, get your things. Let's go, beautiful.”

  I grabbed my purse and slipped on some sandals before he whisked me out of the apartment without another word. I was speechless during the whole ride to the restaurant.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Our special spot, of course.”

  He was speaking about a restaurant we had been to a few times recently that had the best lamb I had ever tasted. It had become our special spot because we went there so regularly and they treated us so well. The owner happened to be a baseball fan and treated Bennett like he was already in the big leagues.

  I considered bringing up the practice on the drive there, but he seemed so excited about being with me that I felt bad at the thought of criticizing him.

  I sat sipping a glass of white wine at our table on the balcony when I saw Bennett approaching the table, coming back from the bathroom.

  “I went ahead and ordered a bottle of white wine, I hope you don't mind.”

  “Of course I don't, Emmi. You can have anything you want.”

  Except a boyfriend that attends practices when he is supposed to? I kept that thought to myself, although many such thoughts were just sitting on the tip of my tongue.

  “Thank you, Emmi, for being so supportive of my career and everything that I do with it. I have been so happy lately, I just want to thank you. I have such a great time with you.”

  Well, so much for bringing up the practices again. I was starting to think that I would never be able to talk to him about that. He needed to get back on the field to prepare for his next game, and it was just downright foolish of him to think that he could miss that many practices just because he was talented. I wondered what his coach thought and why he wasn't dragging him over there by the ears. They were usually really good about that. It shouldn't be up to his girlfriend to get him out on the field. What if I knew nothing about the game? I would totally assume that he was good to miss any practice that he wanted.

  When the waiter arrived, we ordered our lamb dinners and I tried to enjoy my time with him.

  After dinner, he had taken me sailing which was something I had never done before. It was a very freeing experience, and we bonded even more over it. He had taken some classes before, but he allowed me to take control at one point and it was the best feeling in the world. Well, being with Bennett was actually the best feeling in the world, but this one had been a close second. I was having so much fun with him, but the whole time it had been tainted by the fact that I knew he should have been at practice instead of with me.

  I considered telling him I couldn't hang out with him anymore in the mornings and try to force him to consider going to practice. Would he go or would he just find something else to do with his time? I was confident he woul
d return to practices, but I felt ridiculous even considering giving him that kind of ultimatum. But I was at a loss as to what to do, if anything, about him missing practices. I couldn't get mad at him because he just got mad, too.

  “Hey, babe, do you want to go home?” He had that look in his eyes that drove me crazy. I was going to have to deal with this one way or another, but right now I just wanted him inside me.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “What do you say about sleeping at my place tonight? Maybe we can cook some dinner and watch a movie.”

  “Sure, that sounds great.”

  He frowned. “Is everything okay, love? You seem a little down.”

  He was perceptive, too, not just gorgeous. But now was clearly not the time to get into things. Maybe before we watched the movie I could sit him down and reason with him.

  “No, I'm okay. Just a little tired, that's all.”

  “Okay, let's get you back to my place, then.”

  He put his arm around me as we headed back to his car.

  Chapter Ten

  We hung out for the rest of the day at Bennett's apartment. We watched some sports, talked, and cuddled throughout the day. I was looking at a recipe book I had found in his apartment trying to decide what we should make for dinner that evening. Bennett had made me some tea and I was sipping it as I flipped through the pages. I was thinking of making some pasta, but worried that it was too heavy after our lunch of lamb.

  “Hey, baby, what are you doing?”

  “Trying to figure out what you should cook me for dinner.”

  “Oh, is that right? So what did you come up with?” he asked with a laugh.

  “I'm thinking pasta.”

  “That sounds fantastic, and you can have whatever you want – even a pasta cooking baseball player.”