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The Hot Billionaires Box Set Page 11
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Page 11
“I’d heard my mom mention something about my dad being adventurous. I couldn’t have been much older than Sophia. Right after that, I saw Temple of Doom on television for the first time. That was all it took. I watched those movies religiously, memorizing every detail, sure my father was as smart, good looking, and accomplished as Harrison Ford.”
I had to wipe away my own tears, but mine were from laughing so hard at her story.
“Okay, it’s not that funny,” she said, but was smiling. “Luckily, I never told my mom about any of this foolishness.”
“How did you find out Harrison Ford wasn’t your dad?”
She rolled her eyes. “I didn’t think he was actually my father. I’d already seen him in other movies and knew he was only playing a part. I just thought his character might’ve been based on my absent father.” She laughed again at how ridiculous it sounded. “I eventually grew out of that. It helped that my aunt actually sat me down one day and offered to tell me whatever I wanted to know about my father. It was illuminating and disappointing. Turns out, he’s just a regular guy who didn’t grow up after finding out he was going to be a dad.”
That booted the smile from my face.
Abigail’s smile shivered off of her face as her eyes narrowed just a touch. “That really sucked the air out of the room, didn’t it?”
I nodded. “Yeah, I really feel bad about laughing earlier.”
She smiled and seemed nervous all of a sudden. “I tend to have that effect on people. My funny stories always turn into tearjerkers.”
“Let’s talk about something else, then.”
The waiter delivered our drinks and appetizer and we put in the orders for our entrees. The rest of the evening was better, buttressed by plenty of great food and alcohol. I didn’t have more than two drinks on a full stomach, knowing I’d need to be able to drive us home at the end of this. The conversation flowed naturally, as though we’d known each other for years. I was sorry to leave at the end of the meal, but the restaurant was still very busy and it felt rude to take up the table when we weren’t eating.
We stepped back outside, and I suggested walking across the street in the park. But Abigail was already shivering.
“Maybe we could go back to my house for a warm drink and some more conversation,” she suggested, looking up at me. Her face was glowing in the moonlight, and her eyes looked much darker than usual.
“That sounds like a fantastic idea,” I replied.
The conversation kept rolling, but there was a nervous undercurrent to it, and I could tell the electricity between us was increasing. Something was going to happen tonight. I was sure of it.
I followed Abigail up to her house, waiting as she fumbled with her keys and got her door open. We stepped into the welcoming heat and she turned on the light.
“Have a seat,” she said, motioning to a small love seat in the middle of the tiny living room. “I’ll go make us some tea.” She disappeared into the kitchen while I crossed to sit down on the couch. My hands were shivering I was so excited for whatever was about to happen tonight. It had been years since I’d gone on a date. I hadn’t dated anyone since I was dating my former wife, and that had been in college. But I felt comfortable with Abigail. She excited and intrigued me. I wanted to see where things would go between us.
Abigail rushed into the adjacent room, shutting the door behind her. After a few minutes, she returned, dressed more casually in a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt. Her auburn hair was pulled onto one of her small shoulders.
“That tea should be ready now,” she said, and scurried off to the kitchen again, leaving me behind to keep squinting at all the pictures she had hanging everywhere.
She returned with two mugs of tea. She handed me one and then sat down beside me on the couch. We set them on the coffee table in front of us to cool.
“Thanks,” I said. I wasn’t really a hot tea fan, but now didn’t seem like the time to mention that.
“Welcome to my house,” she said, lifting her light eyebrows. She pursed her ruby red lips, and it was as close to an invitation as I was likely to get. The entire evening seemed to be leading to this perfect moment: the two of us together on the couch, her eyes dewy with restrained desire. The heat had cranked up inside of me, and I couldn’t help myself.
I leaned into her as she tilted her chin upwards to receive my lips. Her mouth opened, and I got my first full taste of her luscious sweetness when my tongue slid between her lips. I took her gently by either side of her delicate head and kissed her even more deeply, relishing in her warmth and openness. I’d wanted exactly this for days, weeks, maybe even months. And, now that I had it, I didn’t plan to waste the opportunity or rush through it to get to something better.
She moaned into my mouth, and I drew her into me, my arms encircling her slim upper body. I let my hands travel down her back and under her shirt. Her skin was warm and trembling. She increased the intensity of her kisses, her tongue working around my own as my fingers traveled over the warm expanse of her back. I ventured further, reaching to cup her breasts through her bra. I was rock hard and aching for her. She kept kissing me, that electricity boiling me alive. I didn’t want this to end. I wanted to stay here, our lips locked, for the rest of my life.
Chapter 18
I pulled out of Drew’s kiss, breathless and blinking my eyes. I had to resist the urge to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. My hands were locked around his solid, muscular neck. The desire was dripping from his gaze and cranking up the heat between us. His hands were playing with my nipples through my bra. I didn’t want any clothing between us. I wanted to run my fingers over his naked body while he did the same to me. I wanted to taste every inch of him. I wanted to feel his hot breath igniting the pulsing hot wetness between my legs.
“Let’s go to the bedroom,” I whispered.
His thick eyebrows rose, but he stood immediately and drew me up with him. I took him by the hand and led him to my bedroom. My heart was galloping in my chest, but I didn’t let my mind come up with reasons not to do this. I wanted this more than I’d wanted anything in a long time.
I turned to face Drew and the naked desire on his face as he looked me up and down further enflamed my need for him. I pulled my shirt over my head, baring my lacy black bra. Drew followed suit, just as I wanted him to, pulling his sweater over his head and mussing his hair as his undershirt came off as well. His chest was just as broad as it looked and ridged with firm muscles that he got from all the climbing he did. I was suspended by the awe I felt looking at all of that honey-tinted skin. His hands dropped to the waistband of his jeans, his fingers pulling them open, and my paralysis broke.
I reached for him, my fingers needily running over his exposed flesh as a moan vibrated in my throat. He drew in a sharp breath as I touched him, and that only increased that heat. We came together, our skin exchanging warmth.
He leaned to kiss me, opening my mouth with his powerful tongue. I finished the job of unzipping his pants as we kissed, gently at first, and then deeper. I couldn’t get enough of the taste of him, of the feel of his tongue probing every inch of my mouth with practiced ease I wanted to see applied to other, more sensitive parts of my body. His jeans slid down his legs and I felt his knowing fingers unsnap my bra, setting my heaving breasts free.
I dropped my arms, letting the bra slide onto the floor as Drew and I came apart again. I pushed my sweatpants off my hips and stepped out of them. I was naked save the lacy panties that matched the bra now crumpled on the floor. When I looked up again, Drew had untied his boots and was slipping out of both them and his pants. The light was dim, but I could see every inch of his body, including how hard he was, his cock straining the stretchy fabric of his boxer briefs.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, his voice low and husky with the passion building between us. I could feel it vibrating between my legs and electrifying my skin. I hadn’t fe
lt this way in so long, it kept stealing my breath away. It felt as though I’d just come from an aerobics class. My head was mixed up and my body was aching for him.
I pulled the covers back on the bed and climbed inside. Drew peeled off his boxer briefs and climbed in after me. The kissing started up again as soon as he’d settled next to me. He stayed balanced on one elbow and used his free hand to work my panties down my hips and legs. I kicked them off, not wanting anything in between us, even that little bit of lacy fabric, and then pulled him down on top of me, opening my legs to him, giving his hips space to fit. The head of his cock pressed into my warm, hungry sex. I moaned into his mouth, our kisses growing more furious in the boiling heat of our need for one another. After so many long months of thirst, I was finally going to drink from the fountain of bodily pleasure until I was sated.
“Are you sure you want this?” he asked, barely separating his lips from mine.
“More than anything,” I murmured back. I didn’t want him to stop. Just the thought of not going forward into more heated and uncharted territory made the panic flash and dance inside my head. My body knew what it wanted and needed. My mind was just along for the ride, its sole purpose to make sweet memories of this that I could cherish later.
Drew’s lips found mine again, and his hips shifted, rubbing the tip of his cock even more firmly into the pulsating wetness between my legs. I wanted to feel the length and girth of him entering me, gently at first, and then all of a sudden. I wanted to open completely for him, to experience him filling me up from the inside. But I couldn’t tell him any of this. I was too busy kissing him as passionately as I could muster without smothering myself in his taste and his smell.
The tip of him entered me, just an inch at first, and then another. I tilted my hips, trying to devour every long inch of him, but he was determined to take his time. He slid into me a little further as his lips continued to punish mine with sweet, intense kisses. His hand found my breast and squeezed my nipple hard enough to send a shockwave of tingling pleasure through my body. I moaned with need and he chose that exact moment to thrust with his hips and bury himself into me up to base of his cock.
His lips released mine, and I gasped from the sensation of being filled so completely. He was much bigger than any of the handful of men I’d slept with. It felt like he was exploring unknown depths with the head of his cock. When he started a firm, deep rhythm, pressing himself in and then withdrawing, I thought I would die of pure, unmitigated pleasure.
I arched my back and opened my legs as far as they would go, allowing him to plunge even deeper inside of me. I cried out at the pinching sensation of him entering places that had never been breached by anyone else. He went harder and deeper, his breathing getting heavy as my own shortened. The building pressure started in the bundle of nerves between my legs and extended to my abdomen, tingling as my orgasm began to tease my body with bursts of quivering sensation.
I screamed Drew’s name as my body released its stores of ecstasy, the tingling nearly too much to bear. My skin was on fire, my cheeks inflamed with heat. But he wasn’t done yet.
He bucked his hips, entering me even further as I gasped at how deep he was. His body went rigid and he roared behind clenched teeth, his own body a solid slab of muscle straining against me for several delicious seconds, our orgasms punishing us separately, until our bodies relaxed and melted, the passion leaving us in a gush of moist air.
Drew rolled to one side, leaving our limbs tangled as we caught our breath. My heartbeat was racing in my chest, and I could hardly breathe from the ordeal. I’d never experienced such overwhelming pleasure. He was no novice in the sack. He knew exactly what he was doing and how to deliver exactly what my body wanted and needed.
“That was incredible,” I whispered, still panting as I tried to catch my breath. I let my eyes drift shut. I didn’t want to move. I wanted to wake in the morning and find him here next to me, naked and ready to go again. Sleep was coming on its light, silent feet, ready to claim me for another night.
Drew’s lips pressed against the side of my face in a gentle kiss, bringing me back to the land of the living. “I have to go,” he whispered.
I threw and arm around him and burrowed into the musky heat of his body. “You can stay as long as you like.”
“I have to be home for Sophia in the morning. I’ve never not been there when she woke up.”
I kissed his chest, missing him already. “I understand.” I didn’t want him to feel badly about it, but the idea of us nestled together all night was a hard one to set aside. Maybe some other time. And soon. “I wish you could stay.”
“I do, too,” he replied. We lay together for another few minutes, our bodies swapping heat, and then he got up. I watched from my bed as he dressed. By the time he’d finished, I was burrowed into the covers where I planned to stay for the rest of the night.
He leaned over to give me another soft kiss. “Tonight was amazing. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
I nodded. “Okay. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight. I’ll lock the door on my way out.”
I watched him leave, listening as the front door closed. I stayed stock still, waiting for the sound of his truck roaring to life. Once that sound faded away, I closed my eyes again, remembering Drew’s needy mouth and rock hard cock as my dreams rose up from the dark to claim me.
Chapter 19
Sophia was firing on all cylinders this morning. When I walked to her room to wake her, I found her already standing at her dresser. She was pulling her clothes from her drawers.
“Morning, Daddy,” she said and gave me her toothy grin.
I smiled ,too. “Come on down for breakfast when you’re done.”
She was downstairs in less than five minutes, fully dressed and humming. I made up a batch of French toast, which was a crowd pleaser here at the Reid house. Sophia was talking a mile a minute as I moved around the kitchen. They were starting a new book at school, apparently. Reading time was her favorite. She was good at math, but didn’t love it. I was trying to make it more fun and had bought some flashcards to teach her more advanced skills. She did well with those, but I wasn’t fooling her into loving math anytime soon.
“What are you doing at work today, Daddy?” She didn’t wait for me to answer before taking a monster bite of her French toast, giving her chipmunk cheeks until she managed to chew through most of the bread.
“Take smaller bites, baby. You’re going to choke.”
She nodded, her nose scrunching up the way it did when she found something I’d said hilarious.
“I’m going to have a big meeting with Brian and a couple of the men who work for my company.” There was no real way to dress it up into something exciting, but it was a huge deal for us.
We finished the rest of our meal while sharing our hopes and plans for the day. I gathered our dishes and wiped down the kitchen while Sophia ran upstairs to brush her teeth and wash the syrup off of her face and fingers. We put our coats on, Soph grabbed her backpack, and we went out to the truck.
I pulled out of the driveway and waited until we were driving down the street to bring up what I’d been thinking about all weekend, especially since Saturday night.
“You know that Abigail offered to come to the Valentine’s Day lunch with us, right?”
Sophia glanced over at me, her brown eyes wide. She nodded. She was wearing the purple jacket with the stars on it that my mom had given her for Christmas. She also had on a matching knit cap, her long ponytails sticking out of either side.
“Miss East?”
“Yes, Miss East.” I had to watch that. This was all so new to me, but I didn’t want to encourage Sophia to call her teacher by her first name.
“She said you would tell me if we were all going.” She watched me for a moment. “Are you sure you like her now?”
I’d told Sophia that I needed to make sure Abigail and I could be friends before we de
cided if we wanted to go to the lunch together, but that I thought we’d be able to work something out. And then that dinner happened and everything was up in the air. But then, just as suddenly, everything seemed back on track during the rock climbing date. And then Abigail told me she wasn’t interested in going out again. And then she did. The hot, passionate sex on Saturday night had ignited a firestorm of feelings for Abigail. I realized I wanted her in my life. I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to make it happen without Sophia feeling like I was pushing her onto the back burner, but I was committed to figure it out.
“Yes, she and I are good friends now,” I said.
Sophia grinned, her chubby little face lighting up. “We can sit together at a table for three?” she asked. It pissed me off all over again how much the description for this lunch had bothered my daughter. She kept bringing up wanting to sit at a table for three. It was etched into her mind, and nothing but a table for three would do.
“Honey, do you ever think about Mommy?” I asked, careful to keep my words upbeat. I didn’t bring up Chelsea very often unless Sophia asked me a question or started talking about her on her own. But I suddenly wanted to know if there was something else behind this need to have a woman at our Valentine’s Day table.
“I dream about her,” she said as though this were commonplace.
That took me aback. I looked over at her, but she was staring out of the window at the sights rushing by the truck. I let the conversation go, not wanting to risk upsetting Sophia before the school day.
I pulled into our regular space at the school and got out to help her down from the passenger side. She clung to me like the little monkey she was, giggling as I pretended to try to take bites out of her round cheeks. I gave her a big hug, twisting at the waist as I squeezed.
“I love you, kiddo. Have a great day today.”